Sunday, June 29, 2008

Shopping While Intoxicated

This morning, when I checked my mail, I noticed that I had a surprise shipment confirmation from I opened the message, and I was dismayed to find that I had bought a truly odious pair of shoes while I was, erm, "spirited" on Friday night. It all came back to me. I bought two pair of shoes, the same design in different colors. I remembered what I'd purchased...and then I thought, "That can't be right. I'd *never* pay money for something that awful." But I was wrong.

What the fuck was I thinking? Shiny, silver, faux-leather espadrilles? This is yet another case where I insist that my laptop needs a car breathalyzer. Thank God for free return shipping. Ugh, I just feel dirty.

Luckily, in black, they aren't horrible...

...but they are pretty boring. Actually, these are on the good side of adequate. Sure, they're not something I'd normally buy, but with an ankle on the mend, I'm extremely limited. They are flat, black, and they have tread. Boo, hiss, meh, whatever.

Honestly, I'm just excited that I'll be able to wear two shoes again soon.

Off to the ritual bathings with me! I smell.

1 comment:

Claire Uncorked said...

Ok, I feel better now. When I saw the silver shoes, I was thinking you'd boiled your noodle, but now it all makes sense.

The black shoes are ok, you could do a lot worse (& you did with the silver!).